Home » Gold & Purple Sea Moss Raw Mix
Gold & purple sea moss mix are two types of sea moss in one bag. The sea moss colors gold and purple are the same kind of sea moss species. Sea moss is an algae that grows off the coasts of oceans and seas. In general, products made from sea moss make a huge positive contribution to your overall health. Sea moss supplements are known to have many antioxidant properties and can increase energy levels in the body.
Sea moss contains essential minerals and has special and above all many health benefits. This incredible moss can be used in food, cosmetics, supplements and more. It was previously also often used to clean polluted water sources.
The content of minerals and vitamins that sea moss possesses is impressive. This mix of golden and purple sea moss contains 92 of the 102 minerals that are essential for the human body.
Fortunately, nowadays people are more and more aware of the importance of healthy food. More and more ‘new’ products are coming onto the market with the ingredients of plants and herbs that she already used thousands of years ago. History repeats itself when it comes to nutrition.
That’s a good thing because now, among other things, the power of gold & purple sea moss mix comes to the fore. This amazing product is a real boost to your health, so what are you waiting for?
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